
The Devolution of Nat's Beard

Phase I: The full beard:

Phase II: Chop-o-licious:

Phase III: The goatee:

Phase IV: WT handlebars:

Phase V: "Bruce Jr.":

Phase VI: The Stache:

Phase VII: Hitler:

Final Phase, Phase VIII: Clean-Shaven:


One Year!

Today is our 1 year anniversary!!!! Here are a few of my favorite pics from the wedding, no we have not got our pictures yet, and no I cannot print these because the are very low res...just in case you were wondering! (I stole them off the internet)
This is one of my favorites, it's right after we walked out of the ceremony and we had a second to ourselves (plus photographer):

A nice posed one:


Red Rocks Hike

The Rocks:

The View:

The boy & girl (like Corrina's Shoes):

The action shot:

The girl:

the end...


Let me set the scene: Easter a cold snowy day in Golden with friends. Cleaning up after a huge feast including: Ham, mashed potatoes, broccoli, gravy, cream corn, salad, and some over buttery dessert.

Doesn't Nat look thrilled to be drying the dishes?:

Alex scrubbing hard:

And the newly engaged happy couple, Danielle & Garrett:

****Disclaimer, these pictures are horrible, I did not even get my camera out until we were done with the day. Please note it was a joint effort on clean up and cooking, the boys were not the only ones cleaning.****