

Saturday was a momentous day for our friends!

Michael & Nicholee gave birth to their first child: Trevor Levi | weighing 8 lb. 3 oz., 20 in. long! CONGRATS!!!

Danielle & Garrett tied the knot! This is the only pic I have of them, sorry! Congrats guys!

And we celebrated our good friend Alex who is moving to Montana! We're happy for him, but we will miss him! Here he is with his girl Sarah sometime in March. The only picture I have from Saturday night is the 15 pounds of meat Matt smoked :-)


A Tardy Post...

It seems when I go out of town for some reason or another I take a lot of pictures, which in turn means, I have a lot of pictures to filter through & edit. Resulting in a quite delayed post of the events. Maybe it's because I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my photography & I cannot possibly let anyone see one of my photos without spending some time with it in photoshop. I am definitely my own worst critic, which can lead to hours sitting in front of my computer tinkering in photoshop....something my back & eyes are not grateful for. By the time I finished editing I am exhausted and cannot think of anything clever to say in my posts. With that said, here goes one big weekend.......

Went to Mississippi to see little Zachary get married! Congratulations to Zach & Marcie! This is them during their first dance!

But before we went to Mississippi for the wedding we flew into New Orleans to drive to the wedding only a few hours away. Here is New Orleans through my eyes:

One of my favorite stops in New Orleans (for photographic reasons) was not bourbon street or the french quarter, it was a little cigar shop. It is SOOOOO humid in New Orleans that the shop did not have to have a humidor, which is almost never heard of...a cigar shop with NO humidor!

Instead of heading straight back to Denver I headed home, to my parents house! While I was there I was able to squeeze in a few photo sessions!
First, Jonah:

Second, Corrine, Shaun, & Sophia:

And finally, Stephanie & Brooklyn. I spoke with Ali and she said Stephanie is doing better & at home with her parents! Thanks for everyone's prayers!

Whew so I think that about does it....now I can go rest! 9 GB is a lot of pics to filter through!