
Grey Day...

Today it snowed and snowed and snowed with a high of about 18 degrees, Yes winter is here! But the lovely thing about the Denver Metro area, it is going to be in the 50's this weekend and sunny!

november, where did you go?

Whew, November flew by for me, don't know about you guys?! Now homes are being adorned with holiday lights and the snow is beginning to fall! November was a big month for us!

First it was my birthday on the 9th! Which I was able to celebrate with my wonderful friends! We actually went skiing the day before and followed it up with a duo celebration for Tim's birthday and my birthday! Good times!

Me and my girlzzz (what hotties):

Me and my girlzzz giggling:

After dinner and cake we hit the golden bowl...oh yeah baby!

The boys and their bowling balls (Tim, the birthday boy, is the one in the back wearing white):

The girls and our bowling balls:

As you can tell we are a very serious bunch :-)

I love this picture I took of Danielle bowling! The golden bowl doesn't fool around...laser lights, fog, & black lights...good times!

Nat & I:

Then on the 14th I had my opening at the Lovely Boutique in Old Towne Arvada! Again, my wonderful and supportive friends were there for me! Gotta love them! Thanks to Matt who helped me hang everything for the show, couldn't have done it without you!!!

I was able to do a few gallery wraps and framed prints for the show!

And of course last, but not least my marvelous friends!

And then there was Turkey day! This was the first Thanksgiving where we didn't have to drive to one of our hometown's...which was really nice! We had a few friends over and had a fab time! I have new found respect for my mom and what it takes to "time" everything! Whew, craziness.

I was so busy cooking all day I really didn't get any pictures of our friends, just the food. And then even worse I was so worried about if my stuffing was too moist I didn't get a picture of the turkey that Nat smoked all day long, mmmm!

Here is some yummy food pics:

Mmmm, the best stuffing ever!!!!!!!

Although I didn't get any pictures of the adults I was able to grab a few of Jess & Jeff's cuties! Please ignore the horrible flash!


"Jackie take a picture of me jumping!"

And Mr. Gabe, the birthday boy! Who decided because it was his birthday he didn't have to take a nap all day!!

Ok that quickly sums up November! Yes in true procrastination style, one big jumbled blog post :-)