I haven't blogged about this because it has been a very hard topic for me to swallow. My mom has been having issues with her heart for a couple of years now and after demanding the doctors do something about it, they of course found blockage. With her family history (mom, dad, & brother died because of heart issues) her intuition was spot on & her efforts might have saved her life. Doctors continually dismissed her because of her age and her good health. So here is an update of her angiogram process today.....
My mom had her angiogram early this morning. I received a phone call from my dad around 9:40 central time saying that the procedure went well and that the doctors got some "good information". My mom was still in her room and he had not seen her. The doctor confirmed the blockage, plaque, & shrinkage & will hopefully have a more thorough synopsis sometime today.
Unfortunately, that is all the info I have now, but I will be sure to keep you guys updated.
UPDATE 2: 11:00 am Central: I just received a call from my mom :-) She is doing ok, I think she is a sore, cloudy from the meds, & anxious because she has to lay flat on her back without moving for a couple more hours. She said that they had to try both legs to get the instrument inserted properly because her veins are very small, first the right and then success with the left side. Good news first, the LAD artery has only 20-25% blockage. However, due to her small veins it was discovered that some of her arteries are also very small. In one artery she has 75% blockage. Because it is so small the doctors are not sure how to approach it yet, so they are sending in a specialist. We should know within a few hours how the team of doctors are planning to approach fixing this artery.
UPDATE 3: The specialist decided that they are going to try with meds, exercise and diet to maintain a healthy life for my mom. If this does not work and she is still having pains they will do open heart surgery. I really hope they can control the blockage and pains with these things!
Thank you everyone for their support, I really appreciate it more than I can put into words. I have some really great friends!