For Christmas, Nat, Marcus, Emily, & I gave my parents a family photo shoot as their gift! It was a fun time, especially for me running back and forth each shot & checking the focus, light meter, and composition and all back again & again after the shutter release timer went off! I am beginning to think the $600 for the wireless remote might have been worth it...well maybe not?! Here are a few of my favorite shots!
Group hug: Pretty Fam: Love these of Marcus & Emily: I love capturing personalities and the affection of loving relationships: . My beautiful mommy: More favs of Marcus & Emily: Marcus & Emily took turns behind the camera to catch some cute ones of Nat & I: More family shots:
An artist, a photographer, a wife to my one true love, Nat, a mom to an amazing & beautiful little boy, an owner of the most spoiled 100lb black lab, Corrina, a lover of music and everything creative, trying to live life to the fullest....welcome to jackie land!