

Congratulations to Alissa & Travis on their engagement! We are so excited for you guys!


baby boy beal

As most of you know now, we are expecting our first due 1.22.2010! We are very excited & can hardly wait his arrival! It has been amazing to see him kick, flip, & fold on the sonogram screen. I can't imagine what it will be like to see him do all of these tricks in person!

Proof that we are having a boy, I still have a little trouble making it out, but I am going to trust the experts on this one :)

His perfect little head:

Look at how much he has already grown, this is our boy at 8 weeks:

And my favorite of all his pictures, my little peace baby! Does this mean he is going to be a peaceful baby? Here's hoping!

And now the embarrassing part, the belly pics.

At the continental divide, I was 19 weeks here:

Nat made me do it, as you can tell a bare belly was a little chilly at that elevation:


{Photo shoot mania} | Denver Portrait Photographer

Well I am completely & utterly WAY behind on posting my photo shoots! So this is going to be a very long post of my most recent shoots! Enjoy the variety of the beautiful people, I know I have!

Let's start with the precious babies!

Olivia Rain, such a beautiful sweet baby. I shot her mama's maternity earlier this year, see below posts for pictures from that fun shoot!

Little Miss Haiden! What a sweetie, she new how to work the camera too!

And 6 month old Ava, how beautiful! She looks just like her mama!

Fun & beautiful toddler, Meadow. We had fun playing under the pine trees!

And now on to the families!

Ann & her beautiful girls! It's a good thing that Ann is a black belt!

Mike & Linda with their precious grandchildren!

The beautiful Senior girls! They were too gorgeous so I had to include 4 pictures!

Hannah, just started CU, Go Buffs!

Giana, is just starting her senior year! I think she is going to have a great senior year!

And a few shoots off the beaten path!

Helen got her yoga certification in India & teaches in the Denver area. She offers private lessons, so email me if you are interested!

Bruce & his plane! It's quite the man toy! This was a fun shoot because not only did I get to shoot on the ground with the plane, but also flying along Bruce in another plane!
