

Let me set the scene: Easter a cold snowy day in Golden with friends. Cleaning up after a huge feast including: Ham, mashed potatoes, broccoli, gravy, cream corn, salad, and some over buttery dessert.

Doesn't Nat look thrilled to be drying the dishes?:

Alex scrubbing hard:

And the newly engaged happy couple, Danielle & Garrett:

****Disclaimer, these pictures are horrible, I did not even get my camera out until we were done with the day. Please note it was a joint effort on clean up and cooking, the boys were not the only ones cleaning.****

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the disclaimer. I think that those pictures should be framed...the ones of the boys cleaning up. As we may never see that again. They'll be too busy hanging out in the treehouse daydreaming.