This weekend Golden had their annual Wild West Auto Round Up (yes that is the official name). The main strip in Golden was closed down and lined with shiny vintage autos. Three stages provided melodies for the ears as well as a variety of BBQ choices for the taste buds. And of course what would Golden be without Coors at every corner?! Nat's Aunt Amy & her boyfriend Gaylen joined us for the festivities! It was pretty cool seeing all of the old cars!
Amy, Nat, & Gaylen:
You said you wanted to see a picture of me, so here is my self-portrait:
Ok, Ok....I know I am just going to $ound like a proud mom...but girl you have got to find out who promote$ these venue$ and give them $ome of the$e picture$ for future $how$ and $uch!! I'm $ure they would love to have the$e...they are GREAT!! Are you getting my $ubliminal me$$age!! lol...oh and I will have to agree w/you on your favorites and of course your dad will agree mightly on car #1....but I must say I did love the old reminded me of a car we had growing up...AND the self-portrait....cute...really cute...but not QUITE what I had in're so funny!
An artist, a photographer, a wife to my one true love, Nat, a mom to an amazing & beautiful little boy, an owner of the most spoiled 100lb black lab, Corrina, a lover of music and everything creative, trying to live life to the fullest....welcome to jackie land!
Cool cars, I think we have events like that just abot every other weekend in Branson! Thanks for including a picture of yourself!
Which one of your favorite cars did Nat get you? What a great guy!
Ok, Ok....I know I am just going to $ound like a proud mom...but girl you have got to find out who promote$ these venue$ and give them $ome of the$e picture$ for future $how$ and $uch!! I'm $ure they would love to have the$e...they are GREAT!! Are you getting my $ubliminal me$$age!! lol...oh and I will have to agree w/you on your favorites and of course your dad will agree mightly on car #1....but I must say I did love the old reminded me of a car we had growing up...AND the self-portrait....cute...really cute...but not QUITE what I had in're so funny!
Love you forever,
picture of you, picture of you!!
WOW....i dont know which is more amazing, the awesome pics that you took or your incredibly fine taste in automobiles.....
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