
Back in the States...

I just returned Tuesday evening from a 9 day stay in Costa Rica. One word....amazing! I will be sure to post pics shortly once I filter through my 800 something pictures. Exciting news....My alpha series is being featured on poppytalk in the poppytalk handmade school days section: PoppyTalk Handmade


LivingTheLife said...

She has a pretty neat blog herself...she was recently featured on Kim's site, Creative Blogspot, too or at least I think it was her!

Congtulations, Jackie...you deserve all the press you receive and then some...I'm proud of you!

Love you forever,

LivingTheLife said...

OK...I meant to say or spell...Congratulations...I DO know how to spell...but sometimes I forget to proof what I type...obviously my fingers type faster than my brain thinks!!

Mom <><

Susan said...

Hurry up! Can't wait to see the pictures!